In essence, we
improve products.

We start with design.

You can hire us to do UX design and we will find out about your users and what to do to achieve your business goals. We can organize Design Sprints and end up with a high fidelity design prototype of your product. We can help and facilitate usability testing or heuristic audits for new or already built products.

Usability testingUser testingUser ExperienceUI designDesign sprintDesign systems
Usability testing, User testing, User Experience, UI design, Design sprint, Design systems

We bring the design to life, both on the web and mobile.

We are experts in JavaScript. This means we appreciate nice UIs and we are in love with building performant web and mobile apps. We can be your dedicated Frontend team or you can hire us to finish that long-delayed project. Finally.

Frontend development Cross-platformReactReact NativeStyled componentsNext.js
Frontend development , Cross-platform, React, React Native, Styled components, Next.js

We serve your apps with data, no matter the load.

We can build your backend or help you optimize the cost of the servers. It’s no secret that we are big fans of serverless and cloud-native. This means we will optimize your app for many users and your servers will cost you as an average burger. Nice, right?

Node.jsBackend developmentServeerlessKubernetesGCPAWSDynamoDBRedisPostgresSQL
Node.js, Backend development, Serveerless, Kubernetes, GCP, AWS, DynamoDB, Redis, PostgresSQL

We automate the boring stuff.

Sometimes your product will require manual and repetitive work of the support team or data scraping from the 3rd party. We have the tools of making this fast and efficient. Hire us to build your automated data acquisition system or to speed up your company’s workflows.

PuppeteerHeadless data acquisitionWeb scrapingAutomated workflows
Puppeteer, Headless data acquisition, Web scraping, Automated workflows

We know how to scale software.

Building products requires some planning. The right software architecture can make the difference between a successful and unsuccessful product. We can help you set up your product to be tech debt-free and reliable and maintainable. We are designing 12-factor apps and we are fans of Domain-driven design. Don’t let adding a simple button take weeks to deliver.

Software architectureContinuous integrationContinuous deliveryModular designTest-driven developmentDomain-driven development
Software architecture, Continuous integration, Continuous delivery, Modular design, Test-driven development, Domain-driven development

Work with us